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Last updated: 29 April 2024

Session 11: Building partnerships for quality commissioning: inclusive services for homeless migrants

In this workshop we will be hearing from Dave Stamp of ASIRT and Arten Llazari of the Refugee & Migrant Centre (RMC) in Birmingham, to explore their relationship with the Local Authority, and how they have found ways to work together more effectively and use existing commissioning frameworks to address the needs of migrants experiencing homelessness. Local Authorities are bound by tight resources and the absence of statutory rules in providing support to people who have no recourse to public funds, or have complex immigration cases. However, the need for support and help still exists, and so the relationship with voluntary sector partners in the migrant rights sector is critical and never more needed.

Arten and Dave will talk about the challenges and learning from their experience of building and being part of a partnership approach to this issue.

Arten Llazari, Sabrina Pathan & Dave Stamp
Refugee & Migrant Centre, London Borough of Hackney & ASIRT

A series of recordings from the online Homelessness and Migration conference, held on 17 March 2021.The event was designed to equip homelessness services and commissioners with the information and tools they need to better support homeless migrants. It was delivered by Homeless Link in partnership with the Pan-London Migrant Frontline Network facilitated by Praxis Community Projects.