Last updated: 29 September 2023

Who is this document for?

  • professionals working in the homelessness sector and adjacent sectors
  • Commissioners, decision makers and funders.
  • Researchers in homelessness

Why is it relevant?

Poor literacy can be both a cause of homelessness and a barrier to escaping homelessness. It causes social isolation and prevents people accessing help that could be available

This report and charter is based on interviews with more than 50 professionals across a variety of sectors. It outlines some very practical steps that frontline organisations, education providers, and policy makers can take to improve the situation. It also identifies new areas for research and explains the role that partnerships can play.

What are the key takeaways?

At least 50% of adults affected by homelessness have inadequate reading and writing abilities for daily life.

Literacy services should be made universally accessible to adults who have been affected by trauma

Homelessness organisations can improve the way they work with people with literacy needs and must take more account of this in their frontline work.

Digital technologies can play a really important role in including people who have literacy needs.

There are many recommendations for local and national policy makers including having a national strategy and core curriculum for adult literacy.

Literacy 100 Report Literacy 100 Charter

Talk To Us


Jo Prestidge

Head of National Practice Development

Jo is Head of National Practice Development at Homeless Link.