Last updated: 29 April 2024

Who is it for?

Frontline practitioners and managers of homelessness services.

Why is it relevant?

Anti-oppressive practice consciously takes account of the impact of power, inequality and oppression on people delivering and accessing services.

This guidance provides information and worksheets for homelessness practitioners and managers to actively reflect on and address power imbalances and discrimination within the workplace. It covers:

  • Power structures and dominant cultures, and how these play out at a service level and an interpersonal level.
  • Cultural competence and cultural humility: tips for staff and managers to deliver anti-oppressive practice.
  • Actions managers and practitioners can take to work towards inclusive service design and delivery.

Key takeaways

People who are marginalised often face additional barriers to accessing the services and support they need.

By considering their own experiences of power, or lack of power, practitioners can increase their understanding of how people experience the delivery of services. All staff can commit to deliver anti-oppressive practice and take action to improve the inclusivity of services.

Talk To Us


Alex Smith

Senior National Practice Development Project Manager (Housing First Lead)

Alex is a Senior National Practice Development Project Manager leading Housing First England.