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Last updated: 11 August 2023

The 2023 Toolkit will be published shortly. Please continue to use the 2022 Toolkit in the meantime.

Since autumn 2010, all local authorities have been required to submit an annual snapshot figure to DLUHC to indicate the number of people sleeping rough in their area on a ‘typical’ night between 1st October and 30th November.

Local authority leads and snapshot estimate coordinators should follow this guidance in order to plan and execute their annual rough sleeping snapshot estimate, and have it verified by Homeless Link, ready for online submission to DLUHC no later than 9th December 2022.

What's new for 2022?

For 2022 there is a renewed focus on the involvement of independent partners in all rough sleeping snapshot estimates. Also, all local authorities following the evidence-based estimate approach (inc. those that include a spotlight count) must hold an evidence-based estimate meeting for their snapshot estimate to be verified. Full details are in the video explainers and the guidance documents.

What does the toolkit contain?

The toolkit contains a selection of pre-recorded videos and guidance documents, including:

  • Definition of rough sleeping for the purpose of rough sleeping estimates
  • How to choose between the three possible approaches: count-based estimate, an evidence-based estimate, and an evidence-based estimate including a spotlight count
  • Information for volunteers, verifiers and independent partners
  • How the Homeless Link verification process works
  • The importance of independent partners
  • Timelines, step-by-step guidance and example forms
  • What demographic data to collect
  • A glossary of terms
  • Some common scenarios and possible resolutions

With thanks

With thanks to East Staffordshire Borough Council for sharing their authorisation letter, and to Oxford City Council for sharing their data protection statement and agreement. Note that local authorities are advised to involve their data protection lead in preparation of local documents.

With thanks also to Housing Justice who are supporting the annual rough sleeping snapshot estimates by connecting local authority leads and count coordinators with independent partners in their area, where needed. If you would like support to recruit independent partners for your snapshot estimate, you will find the contact details for Mark Brennan and Isabella Harriss at Housing Justice are in the Guide for Local Authorities below.

Rough Sleeping Snapshot Estimates Toolkit 2022 video guidance

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Rough Sleeping Snapshot Estimates

Contact us with any questions or queries about this guidance and toolkit.