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Last updated: 14 July 2022

The following presentations were delivered in December 2020 at the Homeless Link young Women’s Network Event, drawing learning from our youth and women’s homelessness work.

In December 2020 as part of the 16 Days of Action, Homeless Link ran an event in December 2020 focusing on the needs of young women. The following videos are recorded presentations from this event, providing information on learning from our Women's Homelessness Grants programme and the current policy context affecting the support young women can access.

Michaela Campbell –Ending Women’s Homelessness Lead- Homeless Link

In the presentation Michaela gives an overview on women’s homelessness, and gender and trauma informed, intersectional approaches to supporting women who are homeless.

Lauren Page-Hammick- Youth Homelessness Lead- Homeless Link

In the following presentation Lauren provides an overview on what we’ve learnt works for young women for our Young & Homeless Research and Ending Women's Homelessness grants programme.

Clare Birch- Service Manager- 1625 independent people

1625 independent people is a charity supporting young people. They were funding by the Ending Women’s Homelessness Grants programme, to deliver the Salus Project, which supported young women who were survivors of abuse and accessing 1625ip’s services. In this presentation Clare speaks about how they delivered the service, and what they learnt.

Connie Muttock- Senior Policy Advisor - Domestic Abuse Commissioner

Connie provides and overview of the recent changes in legislation and policy context impacting women’s access to support and housing, as well as an update on priorities and activites at the Domestic Abuse Commissioners office.