Last updated: 02 February 2024

Over 2021-2022, Homeless Link and NACCOM – The No Accommodation Network conducted research with local authorities, homelessness and immigration stakeholders and people with lived experience of homelessness and restricted eligibility across England. With the support of partner areas Bedford, Haringey and Manchester, the research captured practice and policy lessons from the pandemic and tried to identify an achievable, long-term approach to better supporting this group. 

Based on this research, this report puts forward an ambitious but achievable roadmap for change for local authorities and Government to sustainably tackle homelessness among non-UK nationals with restricted eligibility.  Doing so means looking beyond statutory duties to operationalise anti-racist, trauma-informed and person-centred principles, as well as ensuring that immigration control does not get in the way of good social policy.

The report provides good practice case studies, legal analysis around accommodation options, an overview of suitable national accommodation models and stories and testimonies from people with lived experience to support policy and practice improvement.

Recording of the report launch webinar

This is a recoding of a webinar on 29 June 2022 where we launched our new report, Unlocking the door: A roadmap for supporting non-UK nationals facing homelessness in England. The webinar was chaired by Sophie Boobis, Head of Policy and Research at Homeless Link, and explored findings from our research on what works in tackling homelessness among non-UK nationals with restricted eligibility, and what needs to change at local and national levels.

Associated resources

Below are a collection of resources related to our work around Non-UK Nationals, including a briefing which outlines the lesser-known powers that councils can use to accommodate people with uncertain or restricted eligibility.