How to make your homelessness service trauma-informed
A practice development framework to support organisations to implement trauma-informed care in practice.
Bitesize learning: Strengths-Based Practice
Four 30-minute videos for frontline staff working in homelessness services on Strengths-Based Practice including understanding the approach, how to focus strengths and goals, building relationships, and being consistent and building community
Being Strengths-based: collected resources
This page holds collected resources to support anyone interested in becoming strengths-based.
Being strengths-based - understanding the approach and key principles
This webinar provided an introduction to a Strengths-based approach in homelessness and related services.
Overview of Relationship-based Approaches
In recent years the sector has seen an introduction of a number of innovative approaches to supporting people who are experiencing homelessness; Psychologically Informed Environments, Trauma Informed Care, Housing First and strengths-based working to name a few. These are all different types of relationship-based approaches (we previously described them as positive approaches).
Free online training from Homeless Link
Checkout our free online bitesize e-learning packages for people working in frontline homelessness services. Also including fundraising training.
Housing First needs greater cross-sector working to fulfil potential
Experts at the national Housing First Conference agreed that the approach should be recognised for what it is - a successful intervention for people experiencing complex disadvantage that goes far beyond simply addressing rough sleeping.
Addressing hoarding: an important way to prevent homelessness?
There are a huge number of people at risk of homelessness due to hoarding. Jo Prestidge, Head of National Practice Development reflects on our 'Going Beyond' podcast episode on hoarding with P3 charity.
Co-production in action in Luton
To celebrate Co-production Week, Matthew Bushnell from Mary Seacole Housing Association shares the experience of co-production in Luton where experts by experience, commissioners and service providers have been working together to support the Local Authority to draft a new strengths-based specification for their commissioned housing-related support services.
Learning from Advantaged Thinking to provide person-led support
Leading consultant on Advantaged Thinking, Colin Falconer, is working alongside Homeless Link as we develop our resources on strengths-based working.
Becoming strengths-based: the four key elements
For the past year, Homeless Link in partnership with Expert Link and Inspire Chilli, has been learning more about strengths-based working. This week we publish the first section of our toolkit, Becoming strengths-based, in which we outline why we think it’s so important and the key principles for working in a strengths-based way.
Strengths-Based Practice: an introduction
Find out how working with people's strengths can make their experience of services more dignified, useful and empowering - and lead to better outcomes.
Online Members £125pp, Non-Members £165pp -
Motivational Interviewing: an introduction
Explore how to positively engage with the people you support and help them make real and sustainable changes in their lives.
Online Members £131pp, Non-Members £173pp -
Keyworking: person-centred and creative
This course will give you the knowledge and understanding to develop your keyworking approach, with a focus on motivation, engagement and creative problem-solving. It will help you to respond creatively to non-engagement and ambivalence about change, using different strategies to achieve a person-centred and strengths-based approach to keyworking.
Online Members £125pp, Non-Members £165pp -
Trauma-Informed for managers
This course will provide an overview of Complex Trauma and explore how a trauma-informed approach can be safely and effectively implemented by managers across their teams.
Online Members £131pp, Non-Members £173pp -
Trauma-Informed for managers
This course will provide an overview of Complex Trauma and explore how a trauma-informed approach can be safely and effectively implemented by managers across their teams.
Online Members £125pp, Non-Members £165pp -
Supporting people into education, training and employment
Develop practical skills, knowledge, coaching skills and the confidence to support and empower your clients to overcome barriers and access education, training or employment.
Online Members £125pp, Non-Members £165pp