Team Training
Our team training is delivered live online or in-person by an expert Trainer. You'll be given the opportunity to build on your understanding of how best to support women accessing services with your peers in an interactive and safe space.
Our free resources include learning form the sector, webinars on supporting older women, briefings and more.
Supporting young women: learning from the sector
Updated: 14/7/22
The following presentations were delivered in December 2020 at the Homeless Link young Women’s Network Event, drawing learning from our youth and women’s homelessness work.
Myth Busting Women’s Homelessness
Updated: 20/12/22
Myths or assumptions about women’s experience impact on most aspects of homelessness, from who is represented in the data, how services are commissioned and designed, and how the public treat women who are visibly homeless.
How can services improve their support for women?
Updated: 03/11/22
When services are designed without considering how to cater to the diverse needs of people they support, those needs are often hidden.
Supporting Women Who Are Homeless
Updated: 03/11/22
Explore how services can develop a gender-informed approach, in order to improve outcomes for the women they support.
Learning from organisations on supporting young women
Updated: 21/4/22
This document provides a summary of some of the key themes raised in Homeless Link’s initial conversations with organisations who have developed gender-informed approaches to supporting young women
Supporting older women experiencing domestic abuse and at risk of homelessness
Updated: 06/4/22
Hear from two of our Ending Women's Homelessness Grantees Safer Places in Essex and Staffordshire Women's Aid in Stafford on the support they provide to older women experiencing domestic abuse and at risk of homelessness.
Insights and Impact from the Ending Women’s Homelessness Fund
Updated: 27/4/22
The Ending Women’s Homelessness Fund (EWHF) was established by Homeless Link to fund grantees to develop new initiatives or enhance their existing work to improve support for women experiencing homelessness and multiple disadvantage.
Supporting Women Involved In Sex Work And Survival Sex
Updated: 07/4/22
This webinar will explore what specialist frontline services are doing to support women involved in sex work and survival sex and consider the key issues women are facing during COVID-19 and beyond.
NRPF, homelessness and women and families
Updated: 02/2/24
This workshop will hear from leading organisations in support for women, children and families subject to immigration control and explore the different routes open to support and help with accommodation and the prevention of homelessness.
Providing Housing First for Women
Updated: 21/4/22
Threshold provides a successful, gender-specific Housing First service for vulnerable women in Greater Manchester. Hear about their work, a good practice toolkit they are publishing, and the importance of peer mentoring to the support they provide.
Spotlight on creating gender and trauma informed approaches for women
Updated: 10/8/23
Listen to a recording of this event which was run in partnership with AVA and funded by London Councils and Trust for London.