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Home Safe

Home Safe is a key tenet of our Shaping the Future Together strategy.

We believe everyone should have the right to open and close their own front door and feel safe and secure in their own accommodation. Sadly for many people this isn’t the case.

Our Home Safe strategy

To help achieve this we will:
  • Undertake a comprehensive review of the full range of accommodation options that are available to individuals and couples experiencing homelessness, to include the scale, scope and quality of services across the country. Use the findings of this review to make recommendations for the future development of accommodation services
  • Drive the scaling up of high fidelity Housing First as a solution for people facing multiple disadvantage for whom traditional models don’t work
  • Working with partners, support the development of data-informed housing and homelessness strategies at both a local and national level, which tackle rough sleeping and other forms of homelessness, including hidden homelessness
  • Strengthen links and explore partnerships with relevant housing and funding/investment organisations in order to increase the availability of high quality, affordable accommodation for people experiencing homelessness
  • Campaign to secure positive progress on the need for adequate and long term secure funding for supported housing in all its forms, as part of a comprehensive welfare safety net

Homeless England

Homeless England is the most comprehensive database of Homelessness services. It is constantly updated and lists of 1500 projects up and down the country with contact details and service descriptions.

It is provided by Homeless Link to promote joint working across the sector and to help individuals find local services.

Find homelessness services in your area
Rough sleeping individual