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Health Service
People experiencing homelessness and rough sleepers who are admitted to, or attend A&E departments, in specific hospitals. In the cases of some Teams, specific primary care services may act as the point of referral.
Day Centre
Crisis Skylight - London
Homeless people, including rough sleepers, recent homeless & those at risk of becoming so.
Shelter - London Housing Advice Appointment Service
People over the age of 25 who are homeless or with a housing related problem.
Alone in London Service
18 to 25 year olds.
Shelter London - Public Advice Line
People over the age of 25 who are homeless or with a housing related problem.
Housing Department
City of London - Homelessness Team
People who are or may be priority homeless, general public.
Health Service
Doctors of the World UK - London Clinic
Day Centre
JCT in London
Accept referrals for people needing help to resolve homelessness and crisis that are low to medium support needs.
HOPE Worldwide
Single people who are working and/or claiming benefits and have no to low support needs.
Day Centre
Mission South West London - King's Road Community Drop In
Homeless people and anyone in social need.
Depaul UK - Nightstop London
Young single people aged 16-25 with low support needs, who are homeless in London. Must have a local connection.
London Cyrenians - Cherry Tree House
Single people with support needs, eg homeless people, people with mental health or substance misuse problems, care leavers, rough sleepers, young people at risk. Some projects accept people with both mental health and alcohol/drug problems. Applicants must have a local connection to the London borough where their referral agency is based.