For Housing Providers
Safeguarding Adults at Risk
Guidance on safeguarding adults, including how to raise a safeguarding alert and the role of Safeguarding Adults Boards.
Understanding hoarding
Guidance on understanding hoarding including why people hoard, and how to support someone who has a hoarding issue.
Preventing evictions and abandonment
Practical guidance for people working in supported accommodation settings to prevent evictions and abandonments.
Supported Housing and Housing Benefit
Watch our webinar on an introduction to Housing Benefit for accommodation service providers.
Housing First fidelity assurance framework
This framework contains two self-reflection tools designed to support fidelity to the principles of Housing First in England.
London PLUS: Measuring Impact Webinar
London PLUS: Measuring Impact. This webinar is aimed at small and medium sized organisations working across London, who are working with people experiencing homelessness, and who are threatened with homelessness including supported accommodation, day-centres, allied services and more.
Home Office confirms that evictions from asylum accommodation will pause when SWEP is activated
From the 18th November 2024, with immediate effect, the Home Office has confirmed that evictions of individuals from asylum accommodation will pause for a period of up to, but no more than, 3 days when Severe Weather Emergency Protocol (SWEP) is activated by a Local Authority.
Mpox and homelessness
The UKHSA has produced some useful resources on understanding Mpox, including information about having conversations about Mpox with at-risk individuals, and what to do should a case be suspected.
Introducing our new National Homelessness Skills Framework
Read about the development of our new National Homelessness Skills Framework, a tool for people who are thinking of joining the sector, those wishing to develop their skills within their current role, and for managers and HR/recruitment leads to support staff development.
Important cold-health alert information for supported housing and floating support providers
With the weather getting significantly colder, supported accommodation and floating support providers need to take action to ensure the safety and wellbeing of those using their services.
The StreetVet Accredited Hostel Scheme is helping keep pets and their owners together
StreetVet has entered the 4th year in providing its Accredited Hostel Scheme to temporary accommodation providers across the UK. In this guest blog, they reflect on their successes in keeping those experiencing homelessness and their pets together.
Addressing hoarding: an important way to prevent homelessness?
There are a huge number of people at risk of homelessness due to hoarding. Jo Prestidge, Head of National Practice Development reflects on our 'Going Beyond' podcast episode on hoarding with P3 charity.
Housing in Housing First
Come along to our free webinar where we will hear from four different Housing First services about the ways they have worked to increase the supply of social housing, manage effective partnerships with housing providers, and adopt the Housing First principles into housing management teams.
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Commissioning homelessness services: good practice webinar
A free webinar for Local authority commissioners/funders to share information about our guide on good practice in commissioning homelessness services, and feature guest speakers showcasing interesting examples of local authority practice.
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