For Service Providers
Safeguarding Adults at Risk
Guidance on safeguarding adults, including how to raise a safeguarding alert and the role of Safeguarding Adults Boards.
Accessing accommodation in the private rented sector
Read our guidance on how to engage with landlords to find accommodation in the private rented sector, along with tips on how to support individuals to maintain their tenancies.
SWEP and winter provision toolkit
A toolkit to help local authorities and homelessness service providers develop suitable responses during the winter and periods of severe weather.
Guidance for rough sleeping outreach services and volunteers
Guidance for frontline staff and managers working in rough sleeping outreach services and a printable information leaflet for new or existing volunteers for outreach services.
National Homelessness Skills Framework
A Skills Framework for frontline roles in the homelessness sector which includes types of roles, services, and the knowledge, skills and behaviours required for each role.
Recommendations for using personalised budgets
Read our learnings and recommendations from our focus group which discussed the use of personalised budgets in homelessness services.
Understanding the needs of the homelessness workforce in supporting autistic people experiencing homelessness
Read about the results from a survey which explored the needs of the homelessness workforce in supporting autistic people experiencing homelessness.
How radical safeguarding can create systemic change for people experiencing homelessness
For Safeguarding Adults week, Gill Taylor, Strategic Lead for the Dying Homeless Project and independent Safeguarding Adult Review author, talks about the Radical Safeguarding Toolkit and encourages practitioners to challenge the status quo of harm and discrimination, and move towards anti-oppressive practice.
Supporting people experiencing homelessness with diabetes
Read about a national partnership project which considered how to improve care for people experiencing homelessness with diabetes, with links to resources and free e-learning to support frontline workers.
Mpox and homelessness
The UKHSA has produced some useful resources on understanding Mpox, including information about having conversations about Mpox with at-risk individuals, and what to do should a case be suspected.
Introducing our new National Homelessness Skills Framework
Read about the development of our new National Homelessness Skills Framework, a tool for people who are thinking of joining the sector, those wishing to develop their skills within their current role, and for managers and HR/recruitment leads to support staff development.
Taking a moment can save a life
For International Overdose Awareness Day (31st August), we are asking homelessness services to take a moment to consider the risks of overdose for people who use drugs, and how staff can respond to reduce drug-related deaths.
Commissioning homelessness services: good practice webinar
A free webinar for Local authority commissioners/funders to share information about our guide on good practice in commissioning homelessness services, and feature guest speakers showcasing interesting examples of local authority practice.
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Good practice learning session: trauma-informed care
A free interactive session to meet our National Practice Development team and learn more about our good practice resources. This session will have a focus on trauma-informed care.
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Supporting young people: a developmentally informed approach
Come along to our free interactive session for frontline staff and managers who support young people (16-25) in supported accommodation/hostels
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Housing First Fidelity Framework: self-reflection tool action plans
Community of Practice for Housing First practitioners and managers focused on using the new Housing First fidelity assurance framework.
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