Team Training
Our team training is delivered live online or in-person by an expert Trainer. You'll be given the opportunity understand how you can apply the 5 key principles of PIE into your role and service.
Our free resources include a toolkit for supporting young people, briefings and templates for becoming a Psychologically Informed manager, understanding the difference between Psychologically Informed Environments and Trauma-Informed Care and more.
Trauma-Informed Care and Psychologically Informed Environments
Updated: 12/8/24
Practical information about trauma and psychologically informed approaches.
Psychologically Informed Management
Updated: 07/2/25
These resources are aimed at ensuring frontline staff receive person-centred support, in a psychologically informed way, including guidance on 1:1 meetings and inductions.
Top 10 tips: Psychologically Informed Environments (PIE)
Updated: 05/4/22
Gain practical tips around implementing Psychologically Informed Environments
Psychologically informed approaches with young people experiencing homelessness
Updated: 11/11/22
Psychologically Informed environments are designed and delivered in a way that takes into account the emotional and psychological needs of the individuals using them. These resources consider what this means for young people.
How to make your homelessness service trauma-informed
Updated: 18/11/24
A practice development framework to support organisations to implement trauma-informed care in practice.