Our free resources include guidelines on how services can be inclusive, a webinar of safeguarding children and young people, learning from organisations that support young women and more.
Understanding young people’s development
A resource exploring how practitioners can facilitate safe transitions into adulthood with young people accessing homelessness services.
Providing inclusive services for trans people
Resources for homelessness services on how to meet the needs of trans people, and adapt services to make them more inclusive.
Understanding difference and tailoring support for young people experiencing homelessness
Young people’s experiences of homelessness vary. They are shaped by their own experiences of, and other people’s reactions to their circumstances and identity. These resources provide advice and information the services can use to tailor the support they offer to young people.
Supporting young women: learning from the sector
The following presentations were delivered in December 2020 at the Homeless Link young Women’s Network Event, drawing learning from our youth and women’s homelessness work.
Keeping young people safe
Young people’s rights to support and housing are often different to adults. These resources unpick legislative frameworks affecting young people’s housing pathways and explain the different roles agencies, services and individuals have when responding to youth homelessness.
Safeguarding children and young people in homeless settings
Following the publication of our guidance Safeguarding children and young people, this webinar will explore actions individuals and organisations can take to implement effective safeguarding practices.
Learning from organisations on supporting young women
This document provides a summary of some of the key themes raised in Homeless Link’s initial conversations with organisations who have developed gender-informed approaches to supporting young women