Last updated: 03 September 2024

Homeless Link have produced a Gendered Lens Framework to support homelessness services to responds effectively to women.

The Gendered Lens Framework asks services to consider the impact of gender on a person’s experience of homelessness and ability to access the service. It includes seven approaches to service design and delivery:

  • co-production
  • valuing relationships
  • working together
  • intersectional
  • actively inclusive
  • trauma-informed
  • safer spaces

Homeless Link have created a series of bitesize videos (5-10 minutes) for homelessness professionals to understand the impact of gender on women and the steps they can take to embed a gendered lens through approaches to service design and delivery.

Framework Graphic 3


This video covers:

  • What is gender.
  • What is the impact of gender on experiences of homelessness.
  • Why do homelessness services need to become gender informed.

Gendered Lens

This video covers:

  • What is a 'Gendered Lens'.
  • What are gendered needs.
  • How to apply gendered lens to services.

Additional Resource: a toolkit written by St Mungo's and Standing Together Against Domestic Abuse 'Keeping Us Safer: An Approach for Supporting Homeless Women Experiencing Multiple Disadvantage”

Co- Production

  • Reaching out to women.
  • Recognising strengths.
  • Actions services can take to co-produce services with women.

Additional Resource: a toolkit produced by Homeless Link on Co-Production

Valuing Relationships

This video covers:

  • Healthy relationships.
  • Relationships with children
  • Actions services can take to value women's relationships.

Additional Resource: St Mungo's toolkit on Supporting Couple in Relationships

Working Together

This video covers:

  • Making every contact count.
  • Wrap-around support.
  • Actions services can take to work together effectively.

Additional resources: a case conferencing tool developed by Single Homeless Project called Team Around Me


This video covers:

  • Double disadvantage.
  • Need for specialist services.
  • Actions services can take to understand and practice an intersectional approach.

Additional Resources: Ask your local by and for and specialist organisations if they have a training offer. Examples include Cultural Mediation - Hibiscus Initiatives ; Halo Project: Trauma Informed training packages. Watch Homeless Link's webinar on Supporting LGBTQI+ Women Experiencing Homelessness

Actively Inclusive

This video covers:

  • Barrier to accessing services.
  • Why it is necessary to be actively inclusive.
  • Actions services can take to be actively inclusive.

Trauma Informed

This video covers:

  • Relationship between gender and trauma.
  • Supporting women affected by trauma.
  • Actions services can take to be gender and trauma informed.

Additional Resource: A toolkit produced by One Small Thing for women's service providers on Becoming Trauma Informed

Safer Spaces

This video covers:

  • Managing risk.
  • Creating safer spaces .
  • Actions services can take to create safer spaces.

Additional Resource: A template created by Your Place Newham to support the development of women's safer spaces, this can be found in the Appendix of the Gendered Len's Framework.

Read the workbook that introduces the Gendered Lens Framework

Talk To Us


Jo Prestidge

Head of National Practice Development

Jo is Head of National Practice Development at Homeless Link.