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Kingston Churches Action on Homelessness - Accommodation Pathway
Single homeless people who have low support needs. Successful referrals require applicants to meet the local connection criteria of being resident in Kingston upon Thames for six out of twelve months or three out of five years.
SHP - King George's Hostel
Verified rough sleepers. Single homeless men with a history of sleeping rough in Westminster. Particularly target continuing drug users. Accept men with dogs.
One Housing Group -Young People's Service (Islington)
Single homeless people aged 16-21 with a range of support needs, who have been identified as statutory homeless by LB Islington. Must have a local connection to LB Islington.
Innisfree Housing Association
Single vulnerable Irish people with low to medium support needs. Priority is given to those with a local connection to LB Brent.
Look Ahead - Westway House (Complex Needs Supported Accommodation)
Homeless people. Vulnerable young people aged 18-21 referred by Unaccompanied Minors Team and Independent Support Team of RB Kensington & Chelsea. Applicants with a local connection are prioritised.
Notting Hill Housing Trust
Young single homeless people aged 16-25, with low-medium or high support needs, who have a guarantee of move-on housing from a referring agency. Priority given to those with a local connection to LBs Wandsworth and Merton.
Queen Marys Hostel
Single homeless women with mental health issues requiring medium to high support. Priority given to referrals made by identified Westminster mental health agencies and building-based services.
St Mungo's - Ealing Accommodation Services
Single homeless people with medium to high support needs. Can accept people with alcohol/drug support needs, mental health needs, ex-offenders and rough sleepers. Must have local connection to Ealing. Can accept some dogs.
Your Place
Single homeless adults with a local connection to Newham. Low to medium support needs, including mental health, substance abuse and offending. complex needs beds People sleeping rough high support needs with recourse
Causeway Irish HA
People aged 18+ who have low support needs and are willing to live in shared housing. Single people only. No local connection required.
Salvation Army - Cambria House
Single homeless men aged 18+ with low to medium support needs who require assistance with developing independent living skills. 2 beds for single homeless men who are registered disabled. Must have a local connection to LB Camden.
St Mungo's - Camden Shared Houses
Single homeless men and women aged 21+ with additional support needs, including alcohol and mental health issues. Some projects may accept people with dogs.