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Health Service
People experiencing homelessness and rough sleepers who are admitted to, or attend A&E departments, in specific hospitals. In the cases of some Teams, specific primary care services may act as the point of referral.
Health Service
Groundswell Homeless Health Peer Advocacy Service
People accessing homelessness services in the borough of Westminster.
Health Service
Start Team (Outreach for Homeless People)
Homeless people with multiple needs who need care delivered in a relational, trauma informed outreach style.
Health Service
Tyne Housing Association - Joseph Cowen Health Care Centre
people who are homeless, in temporary housing or in housing need and not registered with a GP.
Health Service
Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust Complex Discharge Team
Patients with complex needs, including homelessness.
Health Service
Nottingham Homeless Health Team
Single homeless people, homeless families and pregnant women. Vulnerably housed people.
Health Service
BGPS - In Reach Wellbeing Service
Health Service
Community Mental Health Team for Homeless People
Homeless people with complex psychiatric and social needs. People sleeping rough or who have moved 3 times or more in the last year etc.
Health Service
Homeless Health Xchange
Homeless people, those sleeping rough, in hostels/vulnerably housed, with a history of homelessness.
Health Service
KHP Homeless Health Team
Any homeless person presenting to GSTT Emergency Department or admitted to any ward.
Health Service
Urban Village Medical Practice
Homeless people, including rough sleepers, and people in temporary accommodation, hostels and B&Bs.
Health Service
Anchor Centre (Coventry)
Homeless and vulnerably housed people.