With over 20 years of experience working with the homelessness sector, our team offers a comprehensive training and support designed to upskill your staff, embed good practices, and align your policies and procedures with Trauma-informed principles.

By becoming trauma-informed, your organisation can create a more supportive and empowering environment for both service users and staff.

Contact us about becoming trauma-informed
Group Meeting

Why does trauma-informed care matter?

Improving awareness of trauma and its impact helps services to provide effective support and avoid re-traumatisation of both clients and staff.

Becoming trauma-informed is particularly important for homelessness organisations, as studies show a significant percentage of individuals facing multiple disadvantages have experienced complex trauma in their lives. Moreover, the experience of homelessness itself is traumatic.

By adopting trauma-informed approaches, your organisation can:

  • Improve service user outcomes
  • Cultivate a resilient and empowered workforce
  • Reduce incidents and enhance safety
  • Meet funding requirements and secure funding opportunities

How can we help your organisation to become trauma-informed?

We understand that each service will be at different stages of implementation and have differing aims in becoming trauma-informed so our we offer flexible training and support.

We build tailored packages to meet your organisations specific needs, goals and budget. Following an initial meeting with one of our team to establish what you need, we will match you with an expert Homeless Link Associate to deliver the outcomes your organisation needs.

To give you an idea of the process, below we've linked a typical journey our clients take with us.

Example journey
Individual at Laptop

Our training

As part of your tailored package, we offer a range of specialised training to equip your organisation with the knowledge and tools needed to become trauma-informed. Courses are led by experienced homelessness practitioners and use interactive learning techniques to ensure they are engaging for delegates.

Further support

To ensure our training is embedded at all levels of your organisation, we offer additional support services. These services enable your organisation to fully embrace a trauma-informed approach in all aspects of your work. Our further support includes:

  • Tailored Presentation to Board and Senior Team
  • Champions Workshop
  • Service User Engagement Workshop
  • Policy and Procedure Review

Client feedback

Here's what some of our clients have to say about our trauma-informed training and support services:

I love Homeless Link and this training is another great asset – originally, I did it in person and the online version was equally engaging. A good way of spreading TIC and PIE and the importance of this approach." - Rachel Inman, Outreach Worker, Elim Connect

Each stage brought real positive change within the organisation, right from the get-go. So now [that the staff] are trained, we really felt it was important to put this within our policies and our procedures and some really key factors were brought out within this consultancy. Some of the things we were doing right, and some of the things that may have needed development on and help and support.” - Lee Fabry, Head of Housing, YMCA East Surrey

“I really enjoyed the training and the subject matter, it was really well presented, and [the trainer] was brilliant, very friendly, and informative. I would attend again and am interested in pursuing this further.” - Sara Cockrill, Turning Tides

Individual Presenting

Case studies

Who can we support?

This package is ideal for homelessness organisations, not-for-profit or for-profit organisations, small or large, housing, outreach, day services, employment services, substance misuse and all client groups.

It can be particularly helpful for organisations seeking to reduce evictions in their service and improve staff wellbeing and retention.

Homeless Link members receive a 25% discount on the package. If you’d like to take advantage of our membership pricing, learn more about becoming a Homeless Link member.

Ready to get started?

To enquire about how we can help you to embed a trauma-informed approach in your service, please reach out to Hannah Opie, our Learning and Development Manager, at hannah.opie@homelesslink.org.uk.

Being trauma-informed: a practice development framework

We have designed a framework to support voluntary and community organisations within the homelessness sector to apply TIC in practice. It contains information about types of trauma, it’s impact, and the key steps to being trauma-informed.

Download the framework here

Talk To Us


Hannah Opie

Learning and Development Manager