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Peter Bedford HA - Hackney
Single people aged 18+ who are homeless or living in inappropriate or insecure accommodation, we provide direct access enhanced housing management, general needs and peer landlord accommodation. Applicants for our EHM accommodation should have low needs. Applicants for our peer landlord or general needs accommodation should have no active support needs.
Evolve Housing & Support - Supported Housing South West
16 - 65 Single Homeless. 16-25 Young Parents. 16-22 Care Leavers.
LB Southwark - Keyworth Street Hostel
Single homeless men aged 18 and above with support needs. Must have a local connection to LB Southwark.
Just Homes
Single homeless men who are ready for employment. Also have 3 rooms for families who are homeless or at risk of homelessness, women with children and women escaping domestic violence. Priority to applicants with a local connection to LB Newham.
Centrepoint - Berwick Street
Young single homeless people aged 16-25 who are vulnerable and at risk with medium-high support needs. A local connection is required.
U-Turn Recovery Project
Single homeless men with support needs who are serious about breaking their alcohol, drug, smoking, gambling and compulsive behaviour dependencies. No local connection required.
YMCA St Paul's Group - Greenford
Single people with support needs, including care leavers and people with mental health issues. Can accept 3 parents with babies on parenting assessment. Need local connection.
Look Ahead - The Vineries
Young single homeless people aged 16-19. Must have a local connection to LB Barking & Dagenham.
Kairos Community Trust
Single homeless people with drug or alcohol related problems with low support needs who are committed to becoming drug free and sober. Priority to those with a local connection.
Centrepoint - Llanover Road
Young single homeless men with low/medium support needs. No local connection required.
Oasis Community Housing - Croydon Foyer
Young single homeless people aged 16-25 with a Croydon connection with low/medium/high support needs.
Thames Reach - Camberwell New Road
Homeless and vulnerable women in Lambeth who have a history of unsettled accommodation and complex support needs.