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Emmaus - Greenwich
Single homeless people with low support needs who are prepared to work at least 40 hours a week as volunteers in Emmaus's recycling project. Can accept ex-offenders. Priority to those with a local connection to RB Greenwich or London in general.
Evolve Housing and Support - Alexandra House
People who are homeless or in danger of becoming homeless. Must have a local connection to Croydon. Accept people with a variety of support needs. May be able to accept people with dogs.
Evolve Housing and Support - Palmer House
We supports single people up to 65 years of age with a range of complex needs including experience of homelessness or rough sleeping, substance misuse and/or mental ill health. Applicants must have a local connection to Croydon.
Evolve Housing & Support - Supported Housing South West
16 - 65 Single Homeless. 16-25 Young Parents. 16-22 Care Leavers.
Framework HA - London Road Service
Rough sleepers and other single homeless people, including ex-offenders, those with criminal justice orders, and people with alcohol, drugs and mental health issues. Priority to rough sleepers, prison or hospital leavers and people with local connection to Nottingham City. We accept owners and their dogs 5 only at any one time. Can accept people with dogs.
Framework HA - On Track North Kesteven
Single homeless adults 18+. Priority given to applicants who are rough sleeping, prison leavers or hospital leavers. All referrals must have a local connection to North Kesteven.
Framework HA - Pathways Centre
Local connection required. Can accept dogs if on initial referral.
Framework HA - Russell House
Single homeless people with support needs. Must have a local connection to the Newark and Sherwood district of Nottinghamshire.
Gipsil - Our Way Leeds (OWL)
Young single homeless people and young parents in housing need. Priority given to young people with care experience and young offenders.
Green Square Accord- McNeille House
Single homeless ex-offenders. Applicants must have a local connection to Birmingham.
Green Square Accord - Newell House
Single homeless male ex-offenders and those at risk of offending. Must have local connection to Birmingham Area.
Green Square Accord- Solihull Supported Housing
Single homeless ex-offenders and those at risk of offending. Those with a local connection are prioritised. FryAccord has a non exclusion policy which means that all referrals will be considered and assessed. No animals are allowed on the premises.