Last updated: 07 February 2025

Who are these documents for?

  • Line managers in homelessness services

Why are they relevant?

Psychologically Informed Environments are services that are designed and delivered in a way that take into account the emotional and psychological needs of the individuals using them. A key part of the PIE approach is staff training and support, enabling workers to move away from crisis management and work in a more therapeutic and planned way. These resources were developed following a community of practice series held between October '22 and January '23 to think about ways managers can adapt their 1:1 meetings and inductions to enable staff to communicate their needs.

What are the key takeaways?

  • To have a psychologically informed 1:1 meeting, it is important for managers to consider aspects like the physical environment, frequency, structure and ensure it is person-centred.
  • Ensuring new starters are adequately inducted and have the space to communicate their needs from the get-go is essential to adopting a trauma and psychologically-informed approach.

All resources on this page have been funded by MHCLG through the VCFS programme.